Thursday, March 4, 2010

What is Metastorm?

It is a suite which helps us to automate the processes happening inside a business environment.
In a big organization there are a lot of departments, which are in a hierarchy like one department need another department’s approval for the next step. For example, in an it industry the project leader team needs the approval from project manager team, so first the project leader team sent a request for approval to project manager team, but after that the project leader team has to wait till the project managers response and also they don’t know what’s happening at their side. But with Metastorm the scenario is different; the project leader team can watch the things going on at project manager end. So everything is clear here. Actually metastorm is filling the gaps between different departments of big organizations there by reducing overhead.
Metastorm is a WEBCENTRIC APPLICATION, which allows you to integrate with .NET, ERPs, Active Directories etc.

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Metastorm BPM is not working with browser or iis

I have faced this issue, Meta storm is not working with IIS but at the same time its working well with Microsoft Outlook.Could anyone have the idea on how to rectify this issue?.
Please help!




Saurabh said...
Please check whether you have disabled the pop up blocker(Also check your anti virus also).Meta storm needs pop ups to work well.Hope this will help you.

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How to call Javascript on "When Stage Completed" stage?

Is it possible to call Javascript on "When Stage Completed" stage?



Paul said...
Only if your JScript is set up as a server side script.
April 23, 2008 6:42 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey thanks paul!, but i cannot add my jscript function using integratin wizard in server side script.Only client extension allows
integratin wizard...
Please Help.

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Metastorm Provision

How the Metstorm BPM differs from Metastorm Provision?
Is there is any similarity in these two products?

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Is it possible to integrate a Document Management System with Metastorm?

I have a DMS system, which i want to integrate with Metastorm. How can i integrate a Document Management System with Metastorm using Active Application Integration (AAI) ?


Anonymous said...
Which Document Management System you are using?, Hummingbird DMS can integrate with metastorm easily.Check out metastorm help files/Forum to find out the supported DMS systems.
April 22, 2008 5:09 AM
Sam said...
This is DMS system which is intyernally developed by our Development Team which will do all the basic DMS functionalities like Imaging,Scanning,OCR,OMR etc. Could you please send the integration steps of Hummingbird DMS with Metastorm? so that I can try the same with my DMS system. I did nt find it in the help file.
April 22, 2008 5:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Dear Sam,
Check out this link, the site will guide you what to do with the hummingbird DMS.
April 22, 2008 5:18 AM
Sam said...
Hi Vivek,
Thanks for the link.
April 22, 2008 5:27 AM
Paul said...
In the next version of Metastorm BPM (7.6) there is going to be an open DMS framework introduced. I think this is expected in the next quarter.
Metastorm themselves have built their own Sharepoint document management integration on top of this and it's the intention to then let customers, integrators and developers use this framework to build their own integrations on top.
Hope this helps,
April 22, 2008 6:02 AM
Sam said...
HI Paul,
Thanks for the information. Any idea when is the next version of Metastorm gonna release?

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Forms in Metastorm

Form Types in Metastorm
Forms enable you to enter or read process data. The forms in a process share common elements.
There are four types of form used at different stages of a process. These are:
Blank Forms: A blank form is a form used to gather information necessary to start a process. It may contain a number of empty fields for completion. When you submit the blank form, a new folder is entered into the process.
Folder Forms: A folder form displays the process data at a given stage in the process. When you open a folder from the To Do or Watch list, you are presented with one or more folder forms. The information on a folder form is not editable. To edit the information, you must click on an action button.
Action Forms: An action form is a form used to gather information during the process. When performing an action on a folder, you may be presented with an Action Form to complete. When you submit the action form, the information is saved, and the folder moves to the next stage of the process.
Administration Forms: Administration forms allow you to perform particular administrative tasks. You complete administration forms in the same way as blank forms. When you submit an administration form, the form is sent for administrative processing. It does not start a process.
Common Form Elements:
Fields: Forms are made up of number of fields. Different types of field types are
Required fields: These are outlined in red and must be completed prior to clicking the Submit button.
Read-only fields: These have a gray background. You cannot change information in these fields.
Optional fields: These may be left blank.
Submit and Cancel Buttons: You can submit or cancel a form by clicking the appropriate button in the lower right corner of the form window.
Submit Button saves changes made to the form, starts or updates the process, and closes the form.
Cancel Button cancels the form. No data is saved, and the form is closed.

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Javascript Issue

function ValidateLeave()


var LeaveCount=document.getEl("txtTotalLeaves");

var Days=document.getEl("txtDays");

if( LeaveCount.value==0)


alert("Sorry You Have No Leaves Available");

return false;


else if (LeaveCount.value < Days.value)




alert("Sorry!Check your available leaves!");

return false;




return true;



The above code throws error for me, the issue came because of wrong type casting.Here is an useful link for type casting

The below code will work fine.

function ValidateLeave()


var LeaveCount=document.getEl("txtTotalLeaves");

var Days=document.getEl("txtDays");

if( LeaveCount.value*1==0)


alert("Sorry You Have No Leaves Available");

return false;


else if (LeaveCount.value*1 < Days.value*1)




alert("Sorry!Check your available leaves!");

return false;




return true;



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Indicates its a metastorm select Query
%selectSQL(select * from database.dbo.table)

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How to fetch Errors in Metastorm

Go to Metastorm BPM from start Menu >> Service Manager >> Connect Metastorm Database >> Diagonostics >> Designer Log >> Procedure Maps
Also a lot of services you can find here

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Tips to remember

While designing maps, don’t give roles to Actions instead keep (tick) ‘to do list’
While designing forms, ‘custom variable’ is important for control (you can set it from the property of control)
Action. Notes: Some thing related to fetching data(we ll discuss it later)

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SQL - Metastorm

What ever tables come with prefix ‘e’ in table name inside Metastorm database are system tables. Don’t play with that tables, it may corrupt Metastorm suite.
Some of them we are going to discuss here.
Efolderid: which is important, based on this id the Metastorm is connecting tables and relationships.So we can call it like a control point
Ealert : this table is used to find who all are in watch list and who are in to do list,
inside this table there is a column named ealerttype,
If ealerttype=~, then it is watch list
=blank, then it is in to do list
=!, Metastorm don’t know which stage it is(that’s why exclamation, just wondering)
Efolder: it is treated as master control.
estage: indicates whether the process is in which stage right now.
Note: After publishing your procedure, you just explore through these tables. You can realize directly what actually happens inside and what the relations between these tables are and how Metastorm is using these tables for smooth functioning

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Basic Things in Metastorm

There are three basic things :-Stage, Action and Role.
Stage: Place where the action is going to happen.
Action: An action is needed to pull you from one stage to another.
Role: who have the power to do the action
There are six stages in Metastorm
1. Group stage: Where the decision is taken by a group of people.
2. Common stage: where the user can do some common actions
3. Archive stage: where you can finish the process (just like an end point/repository)
4. System Stage: Decision making stage, can specify condition inside this stage
Ex: If you don’t want to process if the cheque is not less than 1000, in this case we can use this stage. Like if cheque <1000>
5. Sub procedure stage: Here we can set flag for some criteria, so that the procedure will call the sub procedures and return to the parent procedure after doing something in sub procedures required by the criteria.
6. User stage: Decision is taken by a single person.

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How To Install LiveCycle 8.2.2 with MSSQL 2005

This article is designed to aid in the manual installation of LiveCycle 8.2.2 with MSSQL 2005. Attached is a zip file with all the files that I reference that should be easily dropped.

This article was intended to create development environments.


  1. Install JVM
    1. Install JDK
    2. Create JAVA_HOME environment variable under "My Computer | Properties | Advanced" and point to your JDK installation folder.
  2. Install Database
    1. Install MSSQL 2005. The only thing you need to install is "Server" and "Client/Workstation" components.
    2. Create a database called "lc_es".
    3. Run the 6 attached scripts (*.sql) in order against the "lc_es" database. These scripts will prepare your database for Configuration Manager. These scripts will create a user called "lc_db_usr" with a password "password". NOTE: some SQL installs don't let you use "password" as a password so you will have to search and replace this password in all the files from step 6 below and the files in this step.
  3. Install LiveCycle 8.2.2
    1. Unpack the LiveCycle install files to "C:Installs".
    2. Install LiveCycle 8.2.2 using "Manual". Stop before you run configuration manager (LCM). Let the install hang here.
  4. Install JBoss
    1. Copy "C:InstallsAdobe_LC_ES_JBOSS_WIN_8.2third_partyjboss" folder to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2" folder.
    2. For JBoss 4.2.0 on 64-bit Windows 2003 copy "C:InstallsAdobe_LC_ES_JBOSS_WIN_8.2third_partyjboss_4.2.0" to "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2" and rename "jboss_4.2.0" to "jboss"
    3. Copy attached "JBossService.exe" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jboss" folder.
    4. For JBoss 4.2.0 on 64-bit Windows 2003 you will need to use the 64-bit version of "JBossService.exe" which is also attached here.
    5. Run "InstallJBossService.bat" to install JBoss as a Windows Service.
    6. For JBoss 4.2.0 on 64-bit Windows 2003 you will need to copy "C:InstallsAdobe_LC_ES_JBOSS_WIN_8.2third_partyjbossInstallJBossService.bat" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jboss" folder.
    7. For JBoss 4.2.0 on 64-bit Windows 2003 you will need to add "-b <your jboss server ip address>" to the parameters in "InstallJBossService.bat" before you run it. Find "-c all" and add it immediately after this. If the IP address changes you will likely have uninstall the Windows Service, change the IP address in "InstallJBossService.bat" and rerun it.
    8. To uninstall change "-install JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES" to "-uninstall JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES" and remove all the parameters after that.
  5. Deploy LiveCycle
    1. Run LCM past the step where it configures the LiveCycle components for deployement and then STOP there (at the LiveCycle ES Database Initialization screen).
    2. Copy files from the EAR files from the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2configurationManagerexport" folder to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserveralldeploy" folder.
  6. Configure JDBC Datasource for LC and JMS
    1. Copy attached "sqljdbc.jar" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserveralllib" folder.
    2. Copy attached "jbossmq.jar" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserveralllib" folder.
    3. For JBoss 4.2.0 on 64-bit Windows 2003 ignore this step.
    4. Copy attached "mssql-ds.xml" and "adobe-ds.xml" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserveralldeploy" folder (replace existing file).
    5. Delete the file "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserveralldeploymysql-ds.xml".
    6. Copy "standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml", "login-config.xml", "standardjaws.xml" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserverallconf" folder (replace existing files).
    7. For JBoss 4.2.0 on 64-bit Windows 2003 copy ONLY "standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml" and "login-config.xml" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserverallconf" folder (replace existing files).
    8. Copy "mssql-jdbc2-service.xml" and "mssql-jdbc-state-service.xml" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserveralldeploy-hasingletonjms" folder.
    9. For JBoss 4.2.0 on 64-bit Windows 2003 copy "mssql-jdbc2-service.xml" and "mssql-jdbc-state-service.xml" to the "C:AdobeLiveCycle8.2jbossserverall deploy jms" folder.
    10. Delete "mysql-jdbc2-service.xml" and "mysql-jdbc-state-service.xml".
    11. Start "JBoss
  7. Run Configuration Manager
    1. Finish running LCM.
  8. That's it

courtsey : Brad White

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Generate XSD from XML

There are several tools out there to create (or to infer) an XSD schema from XML document. I liked trang command line tool the most. Found it first when reading about Spring web services in Spring in Action book (very good book btw).

Here are four simple steps how to create XSD from XML* using trang:

Step 1. Get trang

Download from here (at the moment of writing “”)

Step 2. Extract it

Use “unzip”, or just winzip/winrar/7z etc.. if on windows

Step 3. Make an alias

This step is optional, but makes it extremely easy to run the tool with a single command. Make an alias to the “trang.jar” by (in my case Ubuntu/Linux) editing “~/.bashrc” and adding the following:

# execute trang.jar (create XSD from XMLs)
alias xml2xsd='java -jar ~/soft/utils/trang/trang-20030619/trang.jar'

above “~/soft/utils/trang” is the directory where “trang” was unzipped to.

Step 4. Create XSD from XML

Let’s look at the XML file we need an XSD for:

$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 357 2008-05-28 15:38 holiday-request.xml   $ cat holiday-request.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<holidayRequest xmlns="">

now run the tool against it:

$ xml2xsd holiday-request.xml hr.xsd
$ cat hr.xsd

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=”” elementFormDefault=”qualified” targetNamespace=”” xmlns:schemas=””>
<xs:element name=”HolidayRequest”>
<xs:element ref=”schemas:Holiday”/>
<xs:element ref=”schemas:Employee”/>
<xs:element name=”Holiday”>
<xs:element ref=”schemas:StartDate”/>
<xs:element ref=”schemas:EndDate”/>
<xs:element name=”StartDate” type=”xs:NMTOKEN”/>
<xs:element name=”EndDate” type=”xs:NMTOKEN”/>
<xs:element name=”Employee”>
<xs:element ref=”schemas:Number”/>
<xs:element ref=”schemas:FirstName”/>
<xs:element ref=”schemas:LastName”/>
<xs:element name=”Number” type=”xs:integer”/>
<xs:element name=”FirstName” type=”xs:NCName”/>
<xs:element name=”LastName” type=”xs:NCName”/>



* – NOTE: “trang” can create an XSD from multiple XML documents, not just one.

List of other tools to use as an alternative to trang:

XSD away, Good Luck!

Courtsey: dotkam

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Please Help Error:Connection for Source DataConnection failed because the environment is not trusted

Iam getting this error while trying to load the PDF form from SQl server 2005 using Oledb driver for SQL server - Error is " Connection for Source DataConnection failed because the environment is not trusted".

This is my connection string -

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Mashreq;Data Source=ADOBE-8D78D8E4E;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=ADOBE-8D78D8E4E;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False

Please help me



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Adobe Live Cycle: A step to step Deployment

For deployment we needs Archive files, which will be provided by the developer. The archive file is then imported to the livecycle and the imported services will be created and listed in the services list in the LC admin panel (if not found, please refresh the window). Now, we need to add the users playing around with the process to the LiveCycle Users. Create a new category and map the process to it. Create end points. Deployment is over.
In general case the steps above will suffice the deployment, the database configuration and email configuration may vary application to application and can be incorporated with the help of the developer support.


Adobe Live Cycle: Documentation on Deployment

  1. Create Archive
  2. Import Archive
  3. Add Users to mail server
  4. Add users to LiveCycle
  5. Add category
  6. Add end point with ‘security’
  7. Place database files

For deployment we needs Archive files, which will be provided by the developer. The archive file is then imported to the livecycle and the imported services will be created and listed in the services list in the LC admin panel (if not found, please refresh the window). Now, we need to add the users playing around with the process to the LiveCycle Users. Create a new category and map the process to it. Create end points. Deployment is over.

In general case the steps above will suffice the deployment, the database configuration and email configuration may vary application to application and can be incorporated with the help of the developer support.

This document pin points the way of deployment in one perspective i.e. for this particular application

Create Archive – will be done by the developer









Import Archive

Login to the Administration console at http://localhost:8080/

adminui/ using the following information.

User Name: administrator

Password: password

1. Click the Services link.

2. Select the Applications and Services link.

3. Select the Archive Management link.

4. Select the Import link.

5. Click the Browse... button and select the lca file i.e. our archive file.

6. Click Preview, skip configuration.

7. Click Import.

8. When the Import Results page appears, click Ok.

9. Return to the Workbench and confirm that the process was imported.

Add Users to mail server

Go to command prompt

Login to james server using “telnet 4555”



Login Id: administrator

Password: password


Type “help” to get the list of commands available with james server.

Add a user by supplying the following required information.

1. adduser joy password

2. adduser aleron password

Test case: Use “listusers” to check the user is created or not /Go to outlook and try to login with the created accounts

Add users to LiveCycle

Open the LiveCycle Administration Console and create Users

1. Browse to the LiveCycle Administration Console at http://localhost:8080/


2. Login using the following information.

User Name: administrator

Password: password

3. Continue through the Administration Console by clicking Settings > User

Management > User and Groups.

4. Leave the Find text input box empty then click the Find button to see any

users previously created.

5. Click New User to begin the process of adding a new user.

6. Add a user by supplying the following required information.

First Name: HOD

Last Name: Business

Domain: DefaultDom

User Id: ebusinesshod

Password: password

Confirm Password: password

First Name: Accounts

Last Name: Business

Domain: DefaultDom

User Id: accounts

Password: password

Confirm Password: password

First Name: Administrator

Last Name: Business

Domain: DefaultDom

User Id: admin

Password: password

Confirm Password: password

7. Click the Finish button.

Test Case:

  1. Go to work space and check whether the created users can login or not!
Add category

Login to the Administration console using the following information.

User Name: administrator

Password: password

Create categories for use in Workspace

2. Click the Services link.

3. Select the Applications and Services link.

4. Select the Category Management link.

5. Select the Add link.

6. Add a new category.

Category: Expense Reimbursement

Description: This category contains expense reimbursement forms.

7. Click the Add button.

Add end point with security

Login to the Administration console using the following information.

User Name: administrator

Password: password

Click the Services link.

3. Select the Applications and services link.

4. Select the Endpoint Management link.

5. A list of endpoints will display. Sort the list by clicking on the Service column header.

6. Locate the Aleron expense reimbursement service and click on it.

7. Confirm that the list of configured endpoints for the Expense reimbursement service appears.

8. Make sure the End Points tab has focus, select TaskManager from the dropdown list and then click the Add link.

9. On the Add TaskManager Endpoint page, enter the following values.

Name: Aleron expense reimbursement Application

Description: Complete this form to apply for a expense reimbursement

Task Instructions: Complete this form to apply for a expense reimbursement

Categorization: Aleron/Select the catagory which we created for this application.

Operation Name: invoke

10.Click the Add button.

For email endpoint

  1. And for email end point, make sure the End Points tab has focus, select email from the dropdown list and then click the Add link
  2. Please define Name, description etc etc
  3. inbox host:
  4. inbox user: aleron
  5. password: password
  6. smtp host:
  7. smtp user: aleron
  8. password: password
  9. operation: invoke
  10. In input parameter mappings, map the input variable with *.*, which will fetch all the incoming attachments in the inbox user.
  11. Click the add button

Click the Security tab.

  1. Select the Add Principal link.
  2. Find the “All Principals” and click on its link to select it.
  1. On the Add Permissions page, select the INVOKE_PERM checkbox.
  2. Click the Add button.
Place database files

1. Copy "Aleron-ds.xml" from C:\JOY ALC\Aleron-13Jan2010\Database and paste inside “C:\Adobe\LiveCycle8.2\jboss\server\all\deploy"

2. Run the batch file "CreatedbforAleron.bat"

3. Go to the work space and complete a process

4. Run "selectexpenseforaleron.bat" to view the data stored in the database

General Error: If incase the invoked process is not listing in the to-do list/Start list of respective users inside the workspace, as a work around - go to workbench and reassign the users. Retest the application

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Configure email in Adobe LiveCycle

1) Login to Adobe LiveCycle AdminUI
2) Home > Services > Applications and Services > Endpoint Management >
3) Filter the services with your "Service Name"
4) Go and Click your Service name under the heading "Service"
5) then you can add endpoints there!

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I am in Adobe Forums


Please Help me: Access Denied error by VinodChattergee
7 minutes ago

Does Form Server comes bundled with a basic Process Management Server? by VinodChattergee
1 week ago

Reader extensions render failed. What would be problem? by VinodChattergee
1 week ago

Please Help Error:Connection for Source DataConnection failed because the environment is not trusted by VinodChattergee
3 weeks ago

Please help! Error: this operation violates your permission configuration by VinodChattergee
4 weeks ago

Adobe liveCycle Email: Please help! by VinodChattergee
1 month ago

How to connect to External Database, if say SQL server, from Adobe LC by VinodChattergee
1 month ago

How to implement "Submit Online" with Process/Design? by VinodChattergee
2 months ago

is it possible to use all the render service in a single process? by VinodChattergee
2 months ago

How to send email in html format? by VinodChattergee
2 months ago

Adobe LiveCycle: EmailService - Not recieving email in my inbox by VinodChattergee
3 months ago

How to populate an page from the pdf/xml? by VinodChattergee
3 months ago

Please help me out - process cannot be initiated via email by VinodChattergee
3 months ago

Help me please by VinodChattergee

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Creating XSD to bind fields in adobe Livecycle forms

This article is dedicated to those who are struggling with XSD creation to bind with Adobe LiveCycle forms. Here I am providing you a step by step method to create XSD using a tool called Altova. The evaluation version of this tools is more than enough so please download and install this tool prior proceeding this step by step tutorial here.


Download the tool Altova XML spy – evaluation version is also fine.

Altova XML spy 2010 looks like this…


File >> New >> Select xsd with W3C XML Schema


Here you can click on the root thumbnail to expand the roots for designing purpose.


Here shows creating sequence and then child



So create n number of Childs as you need


Then save the schema as below…


Then open the xsd,


This XSD can be used with Adobe LC without any error!

I hope you know the procedures to bind the fields in ALC with this XSD – Just mail me or comment if you require any details further to this.


Vinod Chattergee.S

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Adobe Live Cycle Installation Screenshots

The priority in which the installation to be done is as follows
1. Windows Server 2003 Sp1
2. Drivers
3. Windows Server 2003 SP2
4. IIS 6.0
5. Framework 2.0
6. Acrobat Reader 7.0
7. MS office 2007
8. Java jdk 1.5.0_22 installed and Tested
9. Adobe Flash Player installed
10. IE 8 installed
11. Adobe Live Cycle Workbench
12. Adobe Live cycle Designer
13. Adobe Live Cycle Server
14. Adobe Live Cycle Data Services


Here the below screen shots lead you on how to install Adobe Live Cycle Workbench , Adobe Live Cycle Server and Adobe Live Cycle Data Services

The priority in which the installation done is as follows

1. Windows Server 2003 Sp1

2. Drivers

3. Windows Server 2003 SP2

4. IIS 6.0

5. Framework 2.0

6. Acrobat Reader 7.0

7. MS office 2007

8. Java jdk1.5.0_22 installed and Tested

9. Adobe Flash Player installed

10. IE 8 installed

11. Adobe Live Cycle Workbench

12. Adobe Live cycle Designer

13. Adobe Live Cycle Server

14. Adobe Live Cycle Data Services

Adobe Workbench installation













Adobe Live Cycle Server Installation
















Password – password














Here point your Configuration Credential file for reader extension









Adobe Live Cycle Data Services Installation









Vinod Chattergee.S and RajKumar.D

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